La Direction Générale de la Protection Civile DGPC organise un concours au titre de l’année 2024 pour le recrutement de 641 Agents de Secours.
The Direction Générale de la Protection Civile (DGPC) is organizing a competition for the recruitment of 641 Rescue Agents for the year 2024. This is an excellent opportunity for individuals interested in joining the Protection Civile and contributing to the safety and well-being of the community. In this article, we will provide all the necessary information about the competition, including the application process, eligibility criteria, and frequently asked questions.

Application Process
To apply for the Concours Protection Civile 2024, candidates must follow a step-by-step application process. It is important to carefully read and understand the instructions before proceeding with the online pre-candidacy. Here are the steps involved:
Step 1: Account Creation
To create an account on the platform, candidates need to provide a valid Gmail address and their National Identity Card (CNIE) number. After providing this information, a confirmation link will be sent to the provided email address. Candidates must click on the link to activate their account and set a password. It is important to ensure that the email address and CNIE number provided during the account creation process match the information provided in the personal details section.
Step 2: Choosing the Competition
Once the account is authenticated, candidates will be prompted to choose the specific competition they wish to apply for. It is crucial to carefully review the conditions specified for each competition before making a selection. Candidates are allowed to apply for only one competition. Applying through multiple accounts will not increase the chances of selection and may result in the disqualification of the application.
Step 3: Personal Information
In this step, candidates need to provide accurate and reliable information about their identity, marital status, contact details, and more. It is essential to ensure that all the information provided is correct and matches the supporting documents. Candidates are also required to scan their National Identity Card (C.I.N) in PDF format and attach it to the information form.
Step 4: Educational Background
Candidates must provide details about their educational qualifications, including degrees, majors, and the institution where they received their education. For the Concours Protection Civile 2024, the required diploma is either an Attestation des études collégiales (College Studies Certificate) or an attestation de reconnaissance de réussite aux études collégiales (Recognition Certificate of Successful College Studies), along with a valid driver’s license of category (B), (C), or (D). Candidates must scan their diploma and, if applicable, their driver’s license in PDF format and attach them to the information form.
Step 5: Photo Capture
Candidates need to capture a photo using their computer’s camera or upload a photo to the form. It is important to ensure that the photo meets the specified requirements, such as size and format.
Step 6: Confirmation and Validation
Before finalizing the pre-candidacy application, candidates will have the opportunity to review and modify the content if any errors are found. It is crucial to carefully review all the information provided, as any incorrect information may result in the cancellation of the application.
Step 7: Application Tracking
After the validation of the pre-candidacy application, the registration tabs on the platform will be replaced with a new tab called “Results.” Candidates can access this tab to check if they have been selected to participate in the competition. Selected candidates must download and print their invitation letter to present on the day of the competition.
Lien pour postuler au Concours Protection Civile 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q1: What are the different competitions I can apply for in the Direction Générale de la Protection Civile?
A1: The competitions available in the Direction Générale de la Protection Civile are as follows:
- Concours d’accès au cycle de formation fondamentale des Elèves Officiers à l’Ecole Nationale de la Protection Civile.
- Concours d’accès au cycle de formation fondamentale des Elèves Sous-Officiers à l’Ecole Nationale de la Protection Civile.
- Concours d’accès au cycle de formation fondamentale des Elèves Agents de Secours à l’Ecole Nationale de la Protection Civile.
Q2: What is the duration of training for each category?
A2: The duration of training for each category is as follows:
- Cycle de formation fondamentale des Elèves Officiers à l’Ecole Nationale de la Protection Civile: 2 years, including 5 months of military training.
- Cycle de formation fondamentale des Elèves Sous Officiers à l’Ecole Nationale de la Protection Civile: 1 year, including 3 months of military training.
- Cycle de formation fondamentale des Elèves Agents de secours à l’Ecole Nationale de la Protection Civile: 6 months, including 1 month of military training.
Q3: Can I apply for multiple competitions?
A3: No, candidates are only allowed to apply for one competition. Applying through multiple accounts or for multiple competitions will result in the disqualification of the application.
Q4: What are the eligibility criteria for the Concours Protection Civile 2024?
A4: The eligibility criteria for the Concours Protection Civile 2024 are as follows:
- Be a Moroccan citizen.
- Be between 18 and 30 years old.
- Hold a valid Attestation des études collégiales or an attestation de reconnaissance de réussite aux études collégiales.
- Hold a valid driver’s license of category (B), (C), or (D).
- Meet the physical and medical requirements specified by the Direction Générale de la Protection Civile.
Q5: What happens after the competition?
A5: After the competition, successful candidates will be selected to join the Protection Civile as Rescue Agents. They will undergo further training and will be assigned to various departments and units based on their skills and qualifications.
The Concours Protection Civile 2024 is an excellent opportunity for individuals interested in joining the Protection Civile as Rescue Agents. By following the step-by-step application process and meeting the eligibility criteria, candidates can increase their chances of being selected for this prestigious position. The Protection Civile plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and well-being of the community, and becoming a part of this organization is a noble and rewarding career choice. Don’t miss out on this chance to make a difference and contribute to the protection of our society.
Remember, the application process is online, so make sure to create your account, provide accurate information, and submit all the required documents within the specified deadline. Good luck to all the candidates applying for the Concours Protection Civile 2024!
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